Sunday, July 26, 2009

PAS president stupid, obnoxious, racist and arrogant remarks..


I'm so disturbed by this remarks which was quoted from non-other that PAS president himself, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

I'm not Sarawakian but as a Sabahan and as a people of Borneo, the remarks really irritate me to the point that.........just.....damn!!

I've wrote about how west Malaysian stereotyped us east Malaysian and this is an example of such stereotype with the highest order of chauvinist like mentality. And this actually came from a party that are said to champion the people rights?!!

What was the remark?
Hadi was reported as saying: “Semua pilihanraya kecil sebelum ini keputusannya memihak kepada kita. Cuma di Batang Ai sahaja kita kalah sebab mereka ini tidak reti undi, pakai cawat lagi. Saya bukan nak hina tetapi tempat yang pakai molek, undi PAS.
[or in English]
(In all previous by-elections, the results favoured us. Only in Batang Ai we lost because they did not know how to vote, still wearing loincloths. I am not trying to insult but in those places where people dressed nicely, they voted for PAS.)”TBP
By the time I wrote this post, there are still no sign or news of Hadi apologizing or retracting his remark.

If this is the kind of mentality they have in their narrow mind regarding East Malaysian, they are no different than those Umno/BN goons who think of us only as a fix deposit or an example of 1Malaysia nation.

PAS, another racist party. In fact, all of West Malaysian parties are racist. That's how East Malaysian sees it. Hadi's remark just confirms it.


Anonymous said...

u mean ''all west msian parties are racist'', was it?

guong said...


Anonymous said...

You got the point there, I'm not from Sabah, instead I'm from Kelantan, and I do feel what you feel. How? When there say kampung people don't know how to vote, or the "Malay heartland" kind of words, like all kampung people stupid, see even if we don't vote for PR, we have our reason and we are not that clueless!