Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Food For ISA Detainees Are Slightly Better Than Dog Food..??


Yes, Theresa Kok have compared the food she was served as slightly better than dog food. She claim that her statement was being manipulated against her. I've attached her counter argument on that matter. click here

So, what was the menu that she claim to be almost similar to dog food? It was 2 boiled eggs, cucumber and gravy; twice a day. To see the menu click here.

I don't know if she is aware of this or not, but those food so called as slightly better than dog food is actually a much better food than some of the poor or working class people have daily. Her statement just show how much apart she is with the lower-level communities. It's almost the same as saying that those who eat these foods are just a bit better than a dog.

Ironically, most of these peoples are from the land of Borneo. I myself eats dried fish with lime juice and 'cili padi' when I was still a kid back in my Kampung in Sabah. Are those foods also slightly better than dog food?

And whats really disappoint me, she is actually with the opposition who claim to be championing all Malaysian.

She was maybe trying to degrade ISA with this statement but at the same time she is insulting those who live by these 'almost dog food' foods.


kuai said...

hemmm... silap langkah tul dia cakap gitu.. 2 biji telur rebus makanan mahal uda kalo di kampung.. since telur pun naik harga.. bukan mcm dulu rm.15 ja sebiji..

harap2 mata pemimpin nampak la berapa susahnya hidup rakyat lepas ni..

p/s : sa sampai skrg makan tu ikan masin bah.. hahaha.. sedap baitu..*pengsan

guong said...

ya lo..harap2 dorang pikir dulu sbelum cakap apa2.

Sya pun masih bah makan tu gosin..tp sini susah cari bah..hehe. ada pun ndak sedap..